Cell Phone Accessories Health and Wellness

Snor uses mobile device, patented tech to ease night breathing

Many people snore and don’t try to remedy the problem even though their snoring often prevents them and their loved ones from getting a good night’s sleep. Snorers often are reluctant to try any of the most common treatments: implants, surgery and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines.

patent-claimedSnor is a patented training device that bypasses such methods, strengthening users’ soft palate muscles and enabling them to stop snoring for months, its makers say. The device plugs into Android and iOS smartphones, and users download an accompanying app to their phones. A short tube is then inserted into the Snor device and the user’s mouth. Sucking on the tube much like one sucks from a straw helps to train the soft palate muscle and users can gauge if they are doing it correctly by looking at the app.

Snor ships in September and will cost $350 at retail, although one can be bought for the reduced pricing of $225-$275 as part of a few Indiegogo early bird offers. Its makers set a goal of raising $40,000 by July 31.

Although the Snor fix lasts for a few months at most, there is likely a potentially huge market for the product. But it’s the sort of thing that many consumers may be reluctant to try unless they know somebody else who already bought it and told them that it actually works. Snor is also not the first device designed to stop snoring that sought crowdfunding on Indiegogo. SnoreNoMore tried the same thing last year.

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