Typical home security systems require a lot of input from users every time they leave and enter the home. And while they might alert authorities to sinister plots on your valuable goods, by the time they arrive it’ll have been too late anyway. A smarter type of security system is needed to serve as the best deterrent possible.
Angee has a good shot at making waves in a segment rife with connected security solutions that pretty much all do the same thing. The portable, lightweight device is outfitted with a 360° camera, allowing Angee to track all motion directly around it, record one hour of HD video, and stream video to an iOS or Android tablet from which it can be shared. Angie’s portability makes it so that users can move it to any room but to truly get the most out of her, security tags mounted at entry points throughout the home can expand Angee’s monitoring range. This offers users more peace of mind through more comprehensive security benefits, at-the-door identification, and pinpointed zone detection in the case of a curious toddler, for example.
Ease of use is the primary goal with Angee, so it employs voice control to command security features and, although detail isn’t given, to perform web searches as well. Over time it should be able to adapt to a user’s schedule, remember searches, and perform other tricks. An Angee security system along with one security tag costs $329, and is scheduled to ship October 2016. The campaign is looking for $250,000 in funding by November 14th, 2015.
Following up from crowdfunded security pioneer Canary, Angee Inc. is looking to not only make a security system but an intelligent, autonomous robot like the Echo. It’s still very nice to have everything in one package and the versatility to extend its range with tags. Check out the Presence’s use of old smartphones and tablets for a more MacGuyver-esque approach to home security.